People marry for love, money and passports. An official from the Registry of Marriages came out this week about the increasing number of bogus weddings
(read here). Then the head of the Garda National Immigration Bureau explained how
(read here) they objected to 57 weddings this year they suspected were bogus. A couple of years ago I did a story on the racket and spoke to an Indian national who said he and his pals were willing to spend up to €8,000 for a convincing wife. It's hard to prove a wedding is bogus but when the bride and groom each need their own interpreter to speak to one another its fairly obvious. One racket saw several Latvian women marry Pakistani nationals, coming over from the Baltics for the weekend and a €5,000 fee. In the Irish midlands several Irish women married African nationals in return for cash. Shane Phelan in today's Irish Independent also wrote a good piece on it,
read here.
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